Streaming Media: Acorn TV

NOTE:  Acorn TV will be discontinued from our current provider as of May 14. We are seeking other possibilities so check back.

There are as many ways to access Acorn TV are there are devices, but here’s an example of the process:

Create an account:  Using a browser, go to “register” (create an account for your self) using your 14-digit Pelham Library card number (2736900000 followed by your 4-digit card number).

To view in a browser: Click on the Acorn TV image  on the RBDigital web page (shown above).  Select a program to watch.

To view on an iPad or iPhone:  Go to the App Store and download the Acorn TV app. In the app, open Settings (click on the gear in the upper right) and select Sign In.  Sign in with the email address and password you used when you registered. Choose Done. Select a program to watch.

Reauthorize:  When you login, your account is authorized for unlimited use for 7 days.  After 7 days you will need to re-authenticate.

Please call, email, or stop by if you have any questions.